Choral Ensembles


The Ventura College Choirs (directed by Brent Wilson, accompanied by Mark Holmstrom) are dedicated to developing the choral artistry of a wide array of student singers (music majors and non-music majors) with diverse and engaging repertoire. This semester the choirs will sing Maurice Duruflé's Requiem as well as Jocelyn Hagen’s The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci.

In recent semesters the choirs have partnered with the VC English department and the Applied Music program to present a program of solo and choral musical settings of poems by Emily Dickinson, and a program of musical settings of texts by Maya Angelou. The choirs have also presented choral song cycles including Frostiana by Randall Thompson and large-scale works with orchestra and soloists including Vivaldi's Gloria, Handel's Messiah, and PDQ Bach's mock oratorio, The Seasonings.




    Photo: Theotus Media / Brandon T. King